Red, es una instalación efímera realizada en la Calle del Pez de Madrid, la madrugada del 12 de diciembre de 2008.
26 farolas de alumbrado público fueron intervenidas con papel y flecos para darle a la calle un aspecto más lujurioso e íntimo.
Gracias a Gustavo Sanabria nuestro fotógrafo, que aguantó pacientemente toda la noche.
Coste de la acción: 180 euros.
Tiempo de instalación: 3 horas.
Consumo extra de energía: 0.
Daños ocasionados: 0.
Permanencia de la intervención 7 horas.
Red is an ephemeral installation carried out in Calle del Pez (Pez St.). in Madrid on 12th December 2008.
26 urban lamp posts were decorated with red paper and black fringes in order to make street look more lustful and intimate.
26 urban lamp posts were decorated with red paper and black fringes in order to make street look more lustful and intimate.
Thanks to Gustavo Sanabria, our photograph, who was with us and waited patiently all night until it was completed.
Cost: 180 Euros
Time of installation : 3 hours
Electricity consumption: 0
Damages: none
Exhibition time: 7 hours.